Cannabis Oil cures 3 year old from cancer

Doctors Gave Him 48 Hours To Live

A young boy named Landon Riddle was diagnosed with Leukemia, and was told by his doctors that he only had an 8-10% chance of living for more than a day or two.

His whole chest was full of leukemia tumors, which is why he couldn’t breathe. They started him on chemo, but told us that he probably wasn’t going to make it,” his mother, Sierra Riddle said.

After two months of Chemotherapy, Landon became sick and would refuse to eat. According to his mother, he would vomit up to 50 times a day, and the doctors eventually lost hope, seeing no other solution than Chemotherapy.

Then one day, Landon’s grandmother suggested that they look into cannabis oil treatment.

“We discussed all of our concerns with his medical team in Utah and watched Landon continue to suffer and wither away as the piled on drug after drug. Then my mother came across cannabis oil online,” Riddle told RYOT.

 The family then fled the state of Utah for Colorado, where cannabis oil treatment was legal.

In just days, Landon began vomiting less and less each day and finally began to eat.

“Our hearts were filled with joy that cannabis brought back the smile to Landon’s face. Landon started getting better and better! It was as if a miracle had happened! He was smiling again and started to eat again!” Sierra wrote on her blog during his treatment.

“It is atrocious that anyone on the planet would be charged for choosing cannabis over pharmaceuticals. My heart goes out to Adam Koessler and Rumor Rose, along with uncountable other families that are affected by cannabis prohibition. Get ready for the fight of your life. Having a sick child is a battle in itself, but making this choice is a whole new world. You’re going to need thick skin, intuition, and a solid team. Don’t waste time making sure every other pharmaceutical does more harm than good. If it feels wrong in your gut, it’s probably wrong,” she added.

Now, Landon’s cancer is in remission.

Interestingly In 2012, it was discovered by  that the ten biggest drug companies in the world commit repeated and serious crimes to such a degree that they fulfill the criteria for organised crime under US law. He also found out how huge the consequences of the crimes are. They involve colossal thefts of public monies and they contribute substantially to the fact that our drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer.

Maybe its time we thought seriously about the whole cancer regime and stop listening to big pharma whose only concern is profits.


One thought on “Cannabis Oil cures 3 year old from cancer

  1. I want to specially thank Rick Simpson for saving my friend’s life with his healing oil. some years back my friend Jane was diagonized with a deadly disease cancer of the lungs, we try all medication all to no avail, we also try to do the oil our selves but we were doing more harm than worse. until an old friend of ours told Rose and tell her about RSO that cures cancer completely, she gave us the email address of Rick Simpson (
    from that very moment we decided to give it a trier, by emailing Rick Simpson. instantly we got a reply from him asking us what the exact cancer problem that my friend Rose has, we explained every details of it to him, and he told us, that his oil will heal my friend cancer problem ..we did not buy the oil, we only paid for delivery charges.he told us that by the next 42hours or so the medication will get to our door step through the delivery services, we decided to give it a try and behold when we did, exactly 48hours of the medication came to our door step through the delivery agent and deliver it to us. immediately we emailed him that we have gotten the medication, and the usage instruction manual was also delivered to us.

    my friend Jane started the medication immediately just after a month of using RSO, Jane is now free from cancer problem, she is living a healthy life my utmost priority of sharing this short testimony is for those that are suffering from this kind of cancer diseases or if your friend or family members are suffering from this deadly disease, please don’t die in silence there is a cure for your cancer today don’t waste anytime further you have to email Rick Simpson directly and save your live and the lives of others email :


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